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Will I receive my wage if I become sick?

If you become sick, it is possible to receive money from the social agency through the sickness benefit system. The payment is 100% of your work income, however no more than 80% of a work man’s wage. The benefit is normally calculated as the average income the last 5 weeks before the notification of illness.
The weekly amount is no more the DKK 5028 + pension – this rate is valid until 1 May 2023 when the amount will increase together with the weekly wage.
If a worker has an accident and must be on sick leave, he can also receive benefit from the sickness benefit agency and the benefit is the same as mentioned above. In addition, 10% is paid by your union and 10% by your employer for a total of 10 days.
If a wage earner, who has been with the same employer for more than 9 consecutive months, becomes unfit for work because of a work injury, then the employer is obligated – after the end of the 10 day time period – to pay the difference between the unemployment benefit and the regular wage, which the wage earner had received, if he had not become injured.
The employer’s obligation to pay is valid until the wage earner is fit for work again, however no longer than 4 months after the work injury occurred.

Young sick african warehouse worker blowing nose while working wearing safety vest.jpg

Will I receive pay if my children become sick?

If your child is unfortunate and becomes ill, you can stay home with the child and receive sick leave benefit for the child’s 1st and 2nd sick day, if the child is younger than 14 years. It is possible to receive 10 sick day’s worth of benefit for each child every year if all conditions are met. You do not need a medical certificate, but you need an authorisation from your employer concerning absence and loss of income. You can get an application form from the social office, which is also where you must return it. Sick day benefit is 100% of the wage, however no more than DKK 1005,60 a day + pension – this rate is in effect until 1 May 2023, when the amount will increase together with the hourly wage - .

Pediatric Cancer. A young girl with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) receiving chemotherapy. Pediatr

The Workers’ Union’s illness fund?

The Faroese Workers’ Union has an illness fund, which will pay DKK 2,500 a month for a three month period, if you have been an active member of the Faroese Workers’ Union for at least one year. The condition is e.g. that you have been on sick leave for more than three consecutive months. Talk to your local branch and they will give you an application form to fill out. The applications are treated swiftly in the Union’s office, which will also help and guide you in filling out the form and advise you on your rights.

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